a list of David Kirsh's complete publications: Click
Here |
Ciccourel, A |
2003 |
On contextualizing
applied linguistic research in the workplace |
Journal of Applied Linguistics
(Special Issue edited by Chris. Candlin and > Srikant Sarangi),
2003. |
Ciccourel, A |
2002 |
La gestion des
reondez-vous dans un service medical specialise |
Organisation et communication
en regime de 'surcharge cognitive.' |
De la > recherche en sciences
sociales. Paris. Juin, 2002, 3-17 |
Ciccourel, A |
2002 |
What counts as
data for modeling medical diagnostic reasoning and bureaucratic
information processing in the workplace |
Intellectica: Revue de l"Association
pour la Recherche Cognitive, 30, 2000, 115-149. |
Le Raisonnement Medical. 2002.
Paris: Seuil. |
Ciccourel, A |
1999 |
The Interaction
of Cognitive and Cultural Models in Health Care Delivery |
In Sarangi, S. and Roberts, C.
(Eds.) Communication in Work-Related Contexts: Talk, Work, and
Institutional Life. |
Berlin, New York: Mouton De Gruyter,
183-224 |
Ciccourel, A |
1996 |
Ecological validity
and 'white room effects' |
The interaction of cognitive and
cultural models in the pragmatic analysis of elicited narratives
from children. |