In order to provide digital support for the diverse ways users interact
with their physical desk and other resources in their offices, we
are conducting ethnographic studies of real world office workers in
their offices. Doing so will enable us to both develop an ontology
of the rich elements populating current offices as well as formulate
an ontology of the agent’s actions that can take place in this
activity space. Because a Context Aware Office relies on the ability
to continuously model the state of an office, we need to categorize
all of the possible elements of an office and make note of the opportunities
they afford to a user. More |
How can we improve people’s work by adding digital metadata
to their environment? Metadata, construed broadly, is information
about objects and their related events and processes. The most familiar
forms of metadata are subject, title, author, date and related descriptions
of articles, papers and books. But the concept is comprehensive enough
to include annotations found on a document, data about how a document
has been used, when, by, whom and how often, and even where it is
to be found on a desk or in a library. More |