ProjectsCollaborative Environments
Task Collaboration Virtual Wall Media Reviewer Video in Sync Annotations


Task Collaboration

  Keywords: Distributed Collaborative Environment, Capture Environment, Coordination, Stabilization, Shared Representations, Operational Space  
Develop support tools to allow continued testing of prototype environments, specifically a capture environment and media review tool for doing detailed ethnographic study of distributed activity
Provide design guidelines and foundations for design guidelines for distributed collaborative environments
Advance theory of distributed cognition by deepening our understanding of coordination, stabilization and activity

Project Video

Find out more about how this study is conducted and analyzed.

156.0MB AVI (PC)
114.8MB MOV (MAC)
54.7MB MP4 (MAC)


Software Demos

Media Reviewer

A tool to review, analyze, and annotate data from a user study.

37.1MB AVI (PC)
71.0MB MOV (MAC)
16.1MB MP4 (MAC)

Video in Sync

A four screen video player integrated with Excel. Facilitates synchronizing multiple videos, and adding annotations in excel.

27.7MB AVI (PC)
44.6MB MOV (MAC)
9.3MB MP4 (MAC)

Travel Scenario Experiment
Subjects participating in the task collaboration experiment where they act as travel agents searching the web to satisfy the requirements of their clients.


Research Questions
How do people avoid, recover or minimize the effects of miscoordination and error?
How do shared representations structure interaction?
What are operational spaces and how can they be used to provide design principles for collaborative environments?


Project Status
Introduced the theoretical concepts of:
Operational space – environments are structured collections of operational spaces. Given a specification of tasks it ought to be possible to identify the appropriate operational spaces to integtrate in an collaborative environment
Stabilization – a standard technique for ensuring that persistent state is usable.
Working with new network formalisms to explore consequences of team structure, and communication patterns.

Stabilizations: Let you pick up where you left off
If a state is well stabilized then people should recover better from interruption
- Reduces errors
- More efficient to pick up task
- Possible to have greater control over when to do a task (don’t have to worry about memory decay)


Design Guidelines

Working on new concepts such as vigilance, miscoorindation, stabilizations, operational spaces, and visual complexity in both individual and group contexts as the basis for design guidelines.

  Project Team  
David Kirsh
(202) 623-3624
Office: CSB173
Bryan Clemons
(858) 822-2475
Office: CSB 206A
Gregory Elliott
Andy Guerrero
(858) 822-2475
Office: CSB 206B
Jean-Baptiste Haué
(858) 822-2475
Office: CSB 206B
Hendrik Knoche
(202) 623-3624
Office: CSB 205
Justin Kodama
(858) 455-0965
Office: CSB 205
Nicole Peterson
Shailendra Rao
(858) 455-0965
Office: CSB 205
Aaron Zinman