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Lab Rules
At the ICLAB you will have genuine responsibilities in an active project team.
Keep the Lab Running Smoothly
Keeping the Lab Tidy
As you all know we have limited space in the ICLAB. We have cubbies available for storage space. Ask Bryan for a spot. Please don't leave your scrap papers around the lab. When you are done with your task at the end of the day either throw your papers away, put them in your cupboard space, or take them with you. If you don't know where something goes...ask or email Bryan.


This is a precious resource...make sure you put all borrowed software back in the software cupboard in the appropriate category.

Software FAQ's
Can you borrow software and take it home? NO!

Can you burn software and use it for your machine at home or laptop. NO! The lab has just enough licenses for the machines in the lab. If you really need a certain program, make a request to David.
Clean the whiteboard after you are done with it. If you don't want your items erased, make sure you leave a note detailing your name and how long you want the space.

Don't erase anything that is useful for the lab. If you are unsure, don't erase it.
We've experienced problems with theft in the past so please make sure that experiment subjects and strangers are not left alone in the lab.
Please turn off the lights whenever you leave the lab