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Lab Resources
The ICLAB offers a wide array of software and video technology to support diverse interests.
Creativity, Methodology, Analysis
ICLAB is funded with grants from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research. The lab is wireless and equipped with laptop access points in the furniture. We are interested in web development and have several testing servers in addition to our SQL server and main server.

ICLAB does research on the future of distributed collaboration and works with the Viz Lab at the San Diego Supercomputer Center to try out new ideas.
Multimedia design remains a central interest of the lab. Development is done in the areas of ASP, SQL, Perl, Coldfusion, C++, .net, XML, XSLT, graphic design, and video editting is also well supported.
We value the creativity and inventiveness of students including undergraduates and strive to create a warm venue coordinating the mingling of art and science.