Library Agent > more  

We are doing basic research on software agents that can live in virtual environments and which can help users find resource materials from large libraries, such as the UC system library or the Library of Congress. We videotape and analyze the interactions between research librarians and students searching for materials, and explore different resources which will facilitate better interviews and more effective use of electronic catalogs. More
    Modeling Tetris Cognition > more  

For the past several years we have been constructing computational models of how people improve as they play Tetris. Recently we have extended this study to a more age distributed population. We are particularly interested in determining if the learning trajectory of elderly subjects parallels younger subjects or if there are biases in the way they acquire Tetris skills that reflects differences in the relative robustness of different cognitive systems. More
    Animation > more  

The animation project is concerned with determining for which sorts of data relations and for which sorts of data analytical tasks animation is an effective and an expressive means of display. Towards an understanding of these issues, an experiment by Kaiser, Proffitt, Whelan, and Hecht is being replicated and extended. More
    Interactive Strategies in Counting Coins > more  

We are currently running a series of experiments in which we study how people select different strategies for counting various arrangements of coins. We compare speed and accuracy as different levels of interactivity are allowed, such as permitting subjects to use their hands to point, count, move the coins, etc. More
    Cooperative Strategies > more  

A further topic of interest in the lab is how people come to agree on a common action when they have competing interests. Are there general cognitive biases in the way we reason, classify, and build recursive expectations of each other that push us toward stable agreements? How do we frame our negotiations? Such questions are important in understanding how people structure their environment when there are other agents they share their workplace with. More